Make known his deeds
Give thanks unto the LORD, call upon his name,
make known his deeds among the people.
make known his deeds among the people.
1 Chronicles 16:8
Everybody likes to get excited about the hoopla associated with holidays like this, and I do too, but it's good for us all to have days like this to humble us. Sometimes I need grounded and brought back to what really matters, which is gratitude for the myriad of blessings in my life and more importantly--to the giver of all of those blessings.God is so good to me and has never failed me. He has never wavered in his love for me or in his sovereignty in my life. I don't even know the specifics of everything he has done for me, but what I do know of it leaves me in awe. He died for every one of my bad decisions and sinful moments and I want to make known his deeds among the people.
Thank you Lord. Thank you for parents who love me and children who have turned out happy despite all they've been through. Thank you for your provision and for living in a country where I can freely write this blog. Thank you for delivering me from the torture of the abusive marriage that I was once in and thank you for your justice in that situation. Thank you Lord for giving me beauty in exchange for all of the ashes that I keep bringing to you. And thank you for making me who I am; a strong, opinionated, creative, loving and loyal person. Thank you for giving me courage to stand up for what I believe in even in the presence of people who I know don't agree with me. Thank you. And God, please continue to bless America. Amen.