The power of the black box

I installed a widget over on the right-hand side called "The black box" and it has sent all sorts of interesting people my way! If you've arrived from the black box--WELCOME! :) I'd love it if you leave a comment and let me know you've come by and what responses you gave to the box (if you remember) that got you here.
If you haven't tried it yet, please do. It asks you a series of questions and then gives you a random blog owned by someone who answered the questions the same as you did. It can take you some interesting places. Have fun!
Also, if you'd like one for your own page, here's a link to where you can get it...


Cheryl saidā€¦
I love this thing. I've lost count of how many times i've said that but i do.
Unknown saidā€¦
Oh I'm a total addict!
Veronica saidā€¦
The box just brought me back to myself! cool! :)
HelenMWalters saidā€¦
The black box brought me to you. The only answer I can remember was Hugh Grant!
Trixie saidā€¦
Well I didn't come through blackbox this time, replying to your comment when you landed on me. I'm going to have to give blackboxing a wide birth at the mo, cause I got nothing done the day I discovered it! lol
Tess Kincaid saidā€¦
The powerful black box brought me here.
DJ Kirkby saidā€¦
Hi, the widget borught me here. I like the look of your blog, lots of sparkly bits, nice.
t saidā€¦
I arrived here here via that cool black box! :)
dlyn saidā€¦
Got here via the BB - can't remember my responses but I lov eyour blog!
Molly Daniels saidā€¦
BB brought me here too; I also like the look of your blog:)
Anonymous saidā€¦
I made it here through the black box and will be back. Interesting blog!
eastcoastlife saidā€¦
Hello from sunny Singapore!
I came via the Black Box. hehe...

Nice meeting you. :)
Young Werther saidā€¦
I did put a black box on my page and see where it got me :)
Unknown saidā€¦
I love the BBW. Good to stop by and say hi :-)
GreenJello saidā€¦
Black box! Let's see... cat vs. dog was one of the choices. I can't remember the rest! :)
wvfarmgirl saidā€¦
Yup, black box. And I've clicked that thing way too many times to remember what I chose! Nice blog, tho! I'll be back!
Anonymous saidā€¦
That black box is a hoot! I don't remember all the responses that got me here, but some of them were tea,new,nikon...who knew there'd be a test???!
trousers saidā€¦
Ghosts not aliens. Bagel not Pitta. Fog not Mist.

Those were some of the choices that got me here. Hi :)
I came via the black box from England, so hello there. The only answer I remember was Al Pacino over De Niro...Nice visiting!
Suburbia saidā€¦
Black boxed you but forgot my answers!! It's a great way to get about :)
Real Tech Mom saidā€¦
Happened upon your blog by way of the black box!
Kirsten saidā€¦
I found you through the black box. It's a lot of fun and I've found some really good blogs out there, including yours. I'll try to remember my choices...

Swimming over hiking
chocolate over fromage
fight over flee
Helga Hansen saidā€¦
Hi, I'm another Black Box visitor, and I am loving your graphics!! Beautiful!! I'm quite tempted, I must confess!!