A remembering...
*Quiet Voice*... It's Christmas time you guys!
I smile as I sit here thinking about it. I look at the lights on my tree and all of the twinkling beauty that surrounds me. It gets me pondering...what is it that makes Christmas so special to me?
Simply put, it's the energy, it's the hope, it's the love. Not only is it dazzling with all of the beautifully lit scenery, but there is a different feeling to this time of year. See, at Christmas time, the best of every man, woman, and child shows itself.
Without even knowing it, we all begin to remember that we are created from love and act accordingly. It is our true nature to be kind, loving beings, and at Christmas, we are called back to it. There is a remembering that happens deep within our souls that inclines us to laugh a little deeper.
We smile with our eyes, are quicker to forgive, more likely to seek peace, we love freely, give gifts and acts of service unconditionally, and come together with unity.
At Christmas time, we are ourselves...our true selves. At Christmas time, our faces shine with the beauty that comes from divine love deep within our souls. And at Christmas time, we seek peace on Earth...and that is always a beautiful thing.
XO, Veronica