Eucharisteo: Open Windows...

The title says it all, doesn't it?  It's all about the little things because God is in the details.  Isn't it awesome that we have a God that is so loving and thorough that He even thinks of the tiniest ways to bless us?

I love an open window.  Oh man.  I do, I do, I do.  When the windows are closed, the air and energy inside get so stale and stagnant.  If you are an empath, you know how horrible this feels.  If you aren't an empath, I would venture to say that you still know what I'm talking about and can feel the difference, you just can't articulate what it is that you're feeling.

On days when you can have the windows open and a soft breeze blowing through, it brings new life to your environment.  Especially when it's a little rainy outside.  You get all of those healthy negative ions filling the's a wonderful thing. 

There's a guy that I watch on YouTube (I think his channel is called "Living Waters/Diving Deep").  He's kind of charming/entertaining/irritating all at the same time. lol  But he always takes a deep breath and says, "Breathing in that good-ass prana baby!"  So now, whenever I'm around fresh air, that's what goes through my head...that we're breathing in that good-ass prana baby! :)

XO, Veronica
