Today, I want to talk about starseeds. Most of you probably have never heard of the term and I have hesitated for quite some months to talk about it because of that. I'm aware that talking about some of this stuff can make me look crazy to people who have never been exposed to this stuff, however, I feel that it's time. This is my truth, and honestly it's all of our truths whether we know about it or not.
Since last August or September (shortly after the eclipse), my spirit team and angels have been showing me so many new things and my eyes have been opened in so many ways. I know that it's important for me to share this information because that is what I'm here for. So, lets start with some small stuff.
First of all, I have learned that "aliens", or multi-dimensional beings are real. Very real. Most of them (I would say that like 99% of them) are benevolent, loving, helpful, beings. They don't deal with the 3-D density of Earth and are therefore closer in perspective and loving behavior to the divine. They don't have that amnesia that humans get when born that makes them forget who they are, where they came from, and that we are all connected. And many of them have been in contract for thousands of years to protect Earth and to assist in Earth's evolution (which is happening now).
I know I won't mention all of them, but beings such as the Pleiaidians, Arcturians, Lyrans, Mantis beings, Sirians, etc. have known us and watched us longer than you can imagine. They operate by a certain code of ethics and integrity that keeps them benevolent and they help protect us from a few races of beings that ignore that code of ethics and have acted toward humans with more malevolent intentions and agendas (such as the Reptilians and the Greys).
Many of us have one or more of these multi-dimensional beings on our spirit team acting as our guides. They really are lovely and they bring messages of love and light to the world. Trust me, I was as shocked as anyone to learn about this stuff because before August I didn't even believe in aliens. At all. The things I've experienced are stories for another day, and this has merely been a preface to what I want to talk about today... Starseeds.
A starseed is a soul that may or may not have lived lives on Earth before, but at some point they have also lived on one of the benevolent multi-dimensional planets. See, it's not uncommon during the incarnational cycle for souls to have to "step down" their energy/vibrations as they come from Heaven. Vibrationally and density speaking, Earth is about as far away as you can get from the Divine. Earth is a HARRRRRRDDDD place to be. So, the fact that you are here and reading this right now means that you are kind of bad-ass because you are on Earth and you are making it. But, that's beside the point. What I was saying is that souls often have to slowly decrease their vibrations by living lifetimes in other planetary systems before finally being ready to come to Earth. We all have stardust in our DNA...look it up.
So, as God and the Universe prepared for the next ascension cycle of Earth, they paved the way by sending Starseeds. Naturally higher-vibrating souls who come here more in touch with their old divine/mulit-dimensional way of thinking in order to shake things up and begin making changes for the better. So far, there are three waves of these Star children that have come. They are the Indigo Children, The Crystal Children, and The Rainbow Children.
I have been told that I am an Indigo Child and so is my daughter Maddie. My daughter Emma and my granddaughter Freya are Crystals. So what does this mean? Okay, lets drill down a little.
- They've always known and felt that they were here and destined for something big. Some huge purpose that they probably couldn't articulate.
- They likely feel special. And by special I mean (not in an arrogant way) that they may feel a bit entitled and like they definitely deserve to be here. They may even feel somewhere internally that they are royal or regal. They're special and they know it.
- They have very high expectations for themselves and for others. They can be critical of themself and of others. They bring a lot to the table and see the best in life and they expect people to get on board with it.
- They see what's wrong with the world and they goal is to change it. I remember being a teenager and feeling FURIOUS when I was being told that women shouldn't wear pants or speak in church. And WHAT DO YOU MEAN GAY PEOPLE CAN'T COME IN THE CHURCH??? I was beside myself. How dare they! I used to get in trouble in youth group all the time because I would question everything they said. Indigos will not be okay with injustices and discriminations, coruption and disease within the system. Their job is to question it all and begin knocking all of those paradigms down.
- They really think and/or know they are right most of the time (because they usually are), even if they can't articulate it well. They get really frustrated when others don't see things their way simply because they see the big vision and it frustrates them when others don't have the vision to see it their way.
- They are usually empaths and are caring and compassionate. They may also have other psychic abilities.
- They can have fiery temperaments. They aren't bad people, they're actually very good people. They can just be a bit much to handle sometimes. Remember, their jobs are to shake things up and break down the walls so that a new path can be rebuilt. So, patience is usually something they need to work on.
- They are opinionated and very vocal about it. They question authority. They have a voice and are their own independent person. I remember when I was younger, I was arguing with my mom about something and she told me to "Shut up because you don't HAVE an opinion or a voice until you are an adult!" I can remember how badly I was seething inside. This was the most foreign concept I had ever heard of! Did she KNOW who I was and all of the important things I had to say???" lol
- They're usually rebellious and like to buck the system either in large or small ways. They are very independent thinkers and they don't like to negotiate or compromise on what they believe to be right.
- When they are not consciously or subconsciously working on their mission, they can turn inward and against themselves and can have a tendency toward addictions, depression, and possibly suicide attempts.
- You tend to know where you stand with them. What you see is what you get with them. They find it difficult to separate from their feelings and pretend everything is okay when it isn't. There are no hidden agendas. They will tell you what they feel and what they need.
- They are extremely creative in many different ways.
- Very independent, headstrong, and stubborn.
- They are very driven and usually accomplish a lot.
- They may be loners or extroverted
- Usually a bit more intelligent that the average kid.
- Loves nature and animals
- Great with technology
- Old souls. They probably always seemed mature for their age.
- They usually have an indigo colored aura. I was told by my guide when I first started talking to him that my aura was this color and had been since I was born. After I began my spiritual awakening and began to meditate it changed a little and now also has orange and emerald green in there too.
- Basically, they can see the way the world should be and everything that is currently wrong with it and are willing to make waves and changes, even if that means being a little aggressive about it. They are the warriors of the Starseeds. Many of the previous generations (baby boomers and before) had a problem with the "attitudes" of the Indigos and how they were rocking the boat instead of just towing the line and getting along. But that isn't what their life plan is. It is to create just enough chaos to shed light on the problems so that a new, peacful world can be ushered in.
Crystal Children were the next wave to arrive. They began sending scouts in the late 80's and the mass of them arrived from the early 90's through just the past few years. And the thing about these children is that their traits show what the world is going to look like as this ascension happens. They are pretty much the antithesis of Indigos, although they typically have an Indigo for a parent. They are what the Indigos wanted to see in the world. Here are some characteristics of Crystals...
- They are kind, loving, and compassionate.
- They have even-tempered, magnetic personalities.
- When there is conflict, they forgive easily.
- They can have large, beautiful eyes, especially when young
- They are highly affectionate and love to cuddle
- They may start talking later than most children
- They may have learning disabilities.
- Often diagnosed (and sometimes misdiagnosed) as ADD/ADHD.
- Many of these Crystals are diagnosed as autistic and can be non-verbal. This is because sometimes they are so highly vibrational that they have trouble integrating that energy into their dense Earth body. Research has shown that some psychic mediums can communicate with these children and teach them how to integrate that energy and they autism appears to diminish and some become verbal for the first time. I think this is fascinating.
- Are extremely creative and often are musically inclined
- Are usually highly psychic and may possess many of the "clairs", which may scare them when they are small.
- Drawn to nature and animals
- They tend to be fearless and are a little naive. This can be bad combo because they can put themselves in dangerous situations. They are still in touch enough with their divine side that they aren't afraid of much, but often don't realize the danger they put their bodies into and the limitations of the body.
- Will often be drawn to a vegetarian/vegan lifestyle early in life.
- May be able to communicate telepathically, especially with other Crystals or Indigos that have the same gifts.
- May have food intolerances (because of them, many of the impurities in our food and environment are being removed such as GMO's).
- Crystals can also turn inward and be prone to depression if they are not working on their mission
- May not be totally straight or gay. Will likely be bisexual because they see the soul vs. the body
- Usually have an affinity for water and other grounding forces
Rainbow Children are the third and most current wave of Starseeds that are coming to Earth. The best way to describe these babies is pure love. Most of them haven't even been born yet, but they are coming! Scouts started coming in the early 2000's and have been trickling in. But in the past few years, there has been an influx of them (according to spirit).
These souls have never been to Earth before and so haven't had the time or experience to become jaded and build up karma due to the Earth's density and heaviness. They are being born with a super-high dimensional consciousness so that they can impart love and empathy from the moment of their arrival. Their mission is the heal the planet and to revitalize humanity with a loving, higher-consciousness.
- Their parents are Crystals
- They will be service oriented
- They will be very trusting of everyone
- Likely to be telepathic and have psychic gifts
- Gender and sexuality fluid
- No polarity...they don't see things as black and white
XO, Veronica