Certain, capable, happy...
I've discussed before how the law of attraction works. In case you forgot, in a nutshell, it is this: Whatever you think (especially with emotion), you manifest. Period. The universe is always taking your order and whether it is good, bad, or ugly, you get what you ask for. If you spend your days depressed and thinking you feel like crap, then you're going to keep getting situations that make you feel like crap. If you spend your days happy and thinking "I love my life. This is amazing!" You're going to keep getting circumstances that reinforce that. See what I mean?
I have also spoken about how the Earth is in an ascension cycle at this time. We are being raised from a 3rd dimensional existence to a 5th dimensional existence. The 5th dimension is closer to the divine. The dense human emotions such as fear and mistrust don't exist there. It is more love-based and open-minded. It is a space where we all awaken to the reality that we are divine beings and all connected, and everything that goes along with it (such as remembering our spiritual gifts).
Another aspect of the 5th dimension is that we tend to manifest things pretty much immediately. There is no waiting time it just is. Off the cuff you may think this is an awesome thing...but is it really? Not if you're not used to living and acting in a 5th dimensional, loving way. Think about the thoughts that you think throughout the day. Do you really want those thoughts instantly springing into existence? All of them? lol Not me!
I'm much better than I used to be, but I've still got a ways to go! And I've been in a downward trend lately where I'm gossiping a little more, complaining a little more, feeling a little more sorry for myself than normal, being a little more sassy with people. You know, reflections of the old me. So, I know that I need to reign that in and I will surround myself with people that are also interested in acting in a higher, more loving way.
So, that was all leading up to this...
Do you watch the Gaia network? It's a subscription network kind of like Netflix, but it's all based on spirituality. It's pretty much all I watch. This morning I was watching an episode of "Open Minds" called "Emergence of the New Human with Jim Self" (S2: Ep5). In this episode this gentleman named Jim Self is talking about just the very thing I was discussing above and he gave some great advice.
He was discussing how we need to stop using and basing our emotions on 3rd dimensional words (such as can't, never, hate, unhappy, miserable, uncertain, etc.). Because those are the things we do not want to manifest immediately, right? He suggests we start practicing basing our thoughts and emotions around higher dimensional words such as capable, certain, grace, happy, pleased, gracious, gratitude, etc. then this will help us tremendously.
He goes further to say that thoughts produce the electricity, but emotions are what magnetizes the thought that makes things pull to us. So, he says that he likes to ask people to think of the word "certain." Then he asks people to imagine what the word certain FEELS like. Inevitably, he will see the persons shoulders square and hold their head higher with a look of peaceful confidence on their faces.
Jim says that he then instructs people to wear the feeling of the word "certain" like a coat through their every day and to filter every thought and everything they say through that filter. Don't say or think things that don't fit. For example, "It was nice to meet you"...you think about it for a second and you're like, "Yes, I'm certain of that." If you say it was nice to meet you and then in you're head you're thinking ... no it wasn't, then there's a disconnect and a mistruth and you're going to pull those two things to you in other areas. Say and act in a way that is peacefully confidently certain so that you will manifest the good stuff because that is the vibrational frequency that you will be creating.
He also says that if you then shift your attention to the word capable and also happy, you then create kind of a vibrational triangle of certain, capable, and happy that is a geometrical thought form that will start to take on a life of their own. And as you practice that and build on that, you will begin vibrating at a higher and higher frequency.
I will definitely be trying this. Let me know if you try it and what you're experience is! I would like to hear from you!
XO, Veronica