My story of spiritual awakening...
This is a path that I never imagined being on, but I'm so grateful that I am. God can dream bigger dreams for us than we can dream for ourselves. The key is to let go of fear and simply dive in. Dive in with love and an open mind.
Two of my daughters have spiritual gifts. They are both clauraudient (clear hearing), clairvoyent (clear seeing), and clairsentient (clear feeling). They've been this way for way longer than I've known about it because even though they were seeing and hearing spirits in their rooms, they were always afraid to tell me for some reason. It wasn't until a handful of years ago when Maddie actually had a darker spirit shove her a few times that she was scared enough to tell me.
Anyone who knows me knows that when it comes to my kids I get very triggered if I feel they are in danger. So when I heard this, I went into mother bear mode and it was all about how to we fix this, control it, learn about it...whatever. I didn't even know what to ask for at that time. I just wanted my babies safe and unafraid in their own homes.
We moved houses and I thought that may stop things because maybe the negative ghost would stay behind. But it didn't, and our new house actually had more spirits. Not necessarily all bad, but still more volume. Emma hardly ever slept and was always afraid, especially at night.
In the summer of 2015 we went to Sedona. I had read about certain crystals and their protective properties. I was desparate really, I had tried many tips and tricks and many prayers and now I had no idea what else to try.
So, we are in a crystal shop in Sedona and I'm looking at crystals. I overhear Emma at the counter talking to a lady and explaining the issue. The lady nonchalantly asks, "Have you tried talking to your spirit guide about it?" This got my attention and I walked to the counter to listen in. She explained to Emma what a spirit guide is and then handed her a pendulum and showed her how to pray before hand so that she would be protected by God's light from anything evil and then ask to connect to her guide.
At first I was torn because as a Christian we are taught that anything like that is verboten. No matter what I do in life, I would NEVER want to offend the Lord. But something in my gut told me to be still and see what happens and that it would be okay. So, I remained quiet and let Emma learn. She prayed and then held the pendulum over her open palm and asked her guide to show her a "yes" answer... the pendulum began to twirl in a circle. She asked for her guide to show her a "no" response and the pendulum slowed down, then began swinging in an back and forth motion.
Emma was amazed and I was shocked and very curious. The lady explained to Emma that when she had her gift better under control, she would be able to speak directly to her guide and hear him talking in her head, but until then she could use the pendulum.
She asked a few questions and got answers and I was as enthralled as she was. I said a quick prayer and asked God to convict my heart fast and strong if this was wrong. I didn't feel convicted, but rather had the Bible verse, "Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God..." come into my head. I followed up by saying, I feel that I am supposed to buy this and that you are okay with this. I'm asking that at any moment if there is something displeasing to you to please stop us. Then I bought each of us a pendulum and we went home.
As I sat down at my desk and prayed, then asked to connect to my guide, my pendulum instantly started moving. For a while I used the whole "yes/no" method. Then, I downloaded an app on my phone that gives a little letter board that you can hold the pendulum over to spell out words (it's called "pendulum free".
Now I know that some of you are thinking this is just like a Ouija board so let me clarify. Yes, technically I guess it is. However, when people use a Ouija board, they are not praying for protection first and only inviting their guides or spirits of the highest vibration and intention to come through. They are signing on and saying "Is there anything there? Whoever you are, come on through!" And then ANYTHING does. That's the difference.
Holy cow the things I learned! I asked the names of all of my guides, are they a masculine or feminine energy, and what they were working with me on. I asked what my purpose here is and was told, "love." I asked what about love and was told "You'll see." Paul's purpose was "decision making/to make better decisions."
When I asked if they could only tell me one thing, what would it be and he answered, "You are so loved." One piece of advice? "Pray more, drink more water, sleep more, meditate." This was my first thought of meditation and I questioned them about it a little bit. They promised that if I meditated it would benefit me greatly and so I trusted them and started. The rest of that story is changed my life.
When I asked if what I know about Jesus is real and they was told yes. Is the Bible true and was told that it's all God-inspired, but some is real and some are parables/fables. I asked if it's true that you need Jesus' salvation to go to Heaven and they said "Yes, but not the way humans on Earth think." I can go into this further at another time if any of you are curious. Then I asked if there is anything I was taught that wasn't correct and he answered, "Yes, that reincarnation is not real." This blew my mind for a minute and asked for more information. He went on to say that reincarnation is very real and it was removed from religious texts long ago.
Then I asked in my quiet voice..."So I've lived before?"
And he said "Yes, many, many times."
"Like how many times?"
"Including this lifetime 1287."
*blank stare* "That's a lot."
"Is it normal for people to live that many lifetimes?"
"Absolutely not."
LMAO "So you're saying I needed way more practice than most people?"
bahahaha why did this not surprise me?
I kept a journal of everything he ever told me during those first few months. I was fascinated and it was like my mind was blown wide open. Like I had awakened.
I asked him if he could teach me some things about my past lives and he said he would and to pay attention to my dreams and other things he sends me. So, one night soon after that, I had the coolest dream. I dreamed that I was with a group of ladies and walking through the halls of what looked like a beautiful hotel or mansion or something. It had beautiful black and white marble floors and I could see through to another room what looked like lattice work. I could see the woman beside me and she was obviously from the 1920's. She was very pretty and was wearing a cloche hat and I believe a coat with fur around the collar. I could only see my feet (because I was inside of my body, duh). I was wearing a dress and had on olive-green mary janes from the 20's. Ahead of us there was a man in full tails...he looked like a butler or something and he welcomed us.
(these were like the shoes I wore, only they were olive green)
I woke up and was like, "WHAT WAS THAT???" So I ran to my pendulum and asked. He said, "Oh that was you tromping through the Savoy." I didn't even know what that was so I asked and he said it's in London and to look it up. So I Googled it and this is what I saw...
(The lattice work I saw)
Oh my gosh! It was the place I had dreamed! I was just there in my dream! So I asked Spomie (my guide) more about this and what I was able to get out of him (because frustratingly enough they won't just talk your ears have to ask and ask it in the right way, and then they will only share if it will benefit you somehow to know)...I was a woman who lived in the 1920's and that it wasn't unusual for me to be at the Savoy or any place like it. I was rather well-to-do.
Let me just say that NONE of this surprised me. That can sound a bit arrogant to say that, but if you know me, you know that I've always been drawn to the 1920's-1940's, always loved big-band and swing music, and always had expensive taste. I've always felt like I was born to a standard of living that was way beneath me and what I'm used to if I'm being honest. Just keeping it real.
Needless to say, seeing is believing and this experience with the Savoy convinced me that there was something there. After that I had many, many more lifetimes revealed to me through dreams and other ways. Some were historically famous people and most of them weren't. Learning about these lives taught me a lot about myself and things that I need to work on. They also made me go a little easier on myself because I realized that these are things/traits/issues (etc) that are inherent to "me" and follow my lifetime to lifetime. I'm always a bit of a battler for justice. I fight for what is right and try to help the underdog. I can have a bit of a hot head and can tend toward being controlling. I have a way with men, lets just say. lol I've always been into the men and sometimes have lost my head (literally) over them (big clue to someone I used to be).
I've also learned of some weird traits and prejudices that I have (I won't go into them) that I always wondered why I have them. Turns out they came with me and "probably won't be pried out of you in this lifetime or many to come" as Spomie says. They stem from some pretty deep wounds with another nationality and I developed a bitterness and distrust of them.
Over time, I had four or five more dreams about the "Savoy Lady" as I took to calling her. They were all very detailed and in one dream I even saw her face. She was lovely. Really beautiful. And charming and flirty. She really was something. I felt like Spomie was spoon-feeding me info on this lady yet I still didn't know who she was. So one day I just started asking him questions about her. I asked if she would be easy to find and he said yes. So, I figured I know she is was a wealthy London socialite in the 1920' many of those could there be? So, I googled just that and up popped a list of the "Bright Young Things" which was basically the brat pack of the 20's in London. It gave a list with pictures names and birthdates (OH...he had told me long before any of this or the dreams started that my last lifetime was from 1895-1969, so I knew the years). So I'm scrolling through the members and get past the main members to their friends and POW! There she was...the lady from my dreams! Sheila Chisholm 1895-1969. It's like my soul went *DING DING DING DING!* I asked if this was her and got a great big YES.
I saw that there was a biography written about her, so I snapped it up and read it immediately. So much of it resonated with me. Parts of her personality that are the same as mine, her tastes and desires. The issues she needed to work on. I was fascinted.
So, anyways, that was the beginning of my spiritual journey. Since then, my guides have helped me learn and grow in so many ways. They have taught me and encouraged me. They have reminded me what a powerful and important soul I am and that I need to love myself and others more. They have helped me to become a kinder, gentler person. In the very beginning, Spomie suggested I get off of ambien because it is WAY too powerful for me and I wasn't getting any benefit from my dreams because I was stoned in my dreamworld. lol So, I quit cold-turkey and never looked back.
They key was releasing the fear. The old cliche that everything you want is on the other side of fear is so true. If you keep your intentions pure, your heart and mind open and toss fear out of the window, you won't believe the things you can learn and the ways you can grow!
My goal is to change the world with love. I want to start a love revolution in this world. It's time for this planet and it's vibrations to ascend. We have all fallen into the delusion of division. We fight and there is violence. We see ourselves as separate from one another and the truth is that there is no separation. We are all one and it's time we remember that.
I can only imagine what is in store for me next. And I know that whatever it is, it will be good for me and I will be safe. And I know that if I set my intention is to spread love in this world that the universe will rise up to meet me and help me to do it. I'm excited to see how.
XO, Veronica