Day 17
A picture of something that has made
a huge impact on your life recently.
The death of little Maya.
I haven't seen her for a few years now,
but that doesn't change anything.
And it doesn't change the fact that I have known her mother
since she was little,
and have considered her my family for more than half of my life.
I became a Torres 21 years ago today,
and just because Randy was an idiot that earned himself a divorce,
doesn't mean I left the family.
Besides that,
I am a mother.
And a human being.
This tragedy has really rocked my world
and my eyes have been wanting to tear up constantly
for a week now
because my heart is so sad for Jessica.
I don't know what reason God has for letting this happen,
but I know he has a reason.
There is no way my God, her God,
would allow pain like this,
if it weren't for a good reason.
It doesn't stop the grief that is felt as humans that don't know
the behind the scenes answers though.
Even Jesus wept.
lurve you, xoxo v.