Daring Greatly...
It's so easy to shut down. To become cynical and blind to all of the beauty that surround us. Miracles happen in our lives every day! But we usually don't see them because we don't want to see them. To acknowledge the miracles means we would have to step out of our egos that want to scream, "Look how hard it is for me!"
It takes courage to take the path that rejoices in the ordinary. As I was riding in the car with my cousin/sister/friend (she is all of these things to me) today, we had a conversation about just this thing. It was a reminder that most people are still blinded to the fact that there is even a choice.
In the wise words of Viktor Frankl, "Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom." To stand at the fork in the road and choose to not go down the path laden with cynicism, criticism, negativity, etc. is brave!
To purposely turn down the path that leads to growth and freedom takes courage. The positive path is actually the harder path because it doesn't feel as good and it takes a conscious decision to stay positive. That's when you enter the warrior's world.
XO, Veronica