Today’s blog is brought to you by the letter V...

 "Lets talk about sex baby, lets talk about you and me, lets talk about all the good things and the bad things that may be, lets talk about sex...."

Dear Celibacy, I’m ready to forgive you for your bastardy ways.  Psych!  F**k that.  I'm over it. 
I mean, I love being single.  L.O.V.E.  I love everything about it...not having to explain myself, not being judged if I want to binge Netflix for the whole weekend, not having to share the drawers in my bathroom or my money...all of it.  
Being single is my jam.  Except for the whole no sex part. I mean, lets face it...If my vagina were a missing person, it would already be assumed dead.
People are like, "Why don't you just find a friend with benefits?"  Well, because I don't know how to do that.  I came out of the womb monogamous. And once that oxytocin starts flowing through my body, I bond like Attachment Barbie.  So, nope.  No bootie calls.  
 How do people do it?  There are people who are celibate for YEARS and YEARS.  Are they crazy???  And let me tell you, it doesn't make it easier that I work in a place that is literally flooded with beautiful men.  Most of them are young enough to be my child, but who's counting?  I walk through the halls singing, "Whatever Lola wants, Lola gets…and little man, little Lola wants you...".  Kidding, kidding (not kidding). Actually, what actually runs through my head most of the time is Missy Elliott ("Boys boys all types of boys, black, white, Puerto Rican, Chinese boys....").
 But in the end it's worth it.  All of the work I am doing on myself is totally worth the sacrifice if what I get out of it at the end of the day is a much better and evolved version of myself.  I know that if I were distracted by a man I wouldn't be accomplishing much of what I am getting done on myself.  It's worth it.  I can grow and change without judgement or dividing of my energy... my life force that is going into my other interests.  I love that part of it.
 It's hard seeing some friends or coworkers live their lives though.  Even when I know I'm doing the right thing, to see some people that I know are getting more ass than a toilet seat is tough.  But for now, I live on Mt. Crushmore.  I find little ways at work to flirt or little crushes to have.  It helps distract from the misery.  And hey, I got free lunch out of it today.  So there's that.  Right? 

XO, Veronica
