A call to love...
59 people are dead. 59 people, and more than 500 injured. My eyes fill with tears just typing that.
Even though for the most part I am a person that purposely avoids the news because I feel every bit of energy and emotion that comes through the TV screen, I couldn't help but peek at the news coming out of Las Vegas in the past 24 hours.
My heart is so sad. There is so much tragedy in this world. So much hatred and venom. We cry "Peace on Earth!" but how? How do we get there?
First, we have to identify the problem. The real problem. You have to call a thing a thing before you can move on to a solution. So what is the problem? When we drill down beyond the symptoms, what do we find?
Look close...closer...closer...there it is. At the root of all of this is the disease of division. We have forgotten who we are and that we are all ONE. We are drops of water that have washed onto the sand, forgetting that as soon as the waves roll back out we will be part of the ONE ocean again.
We may see ourselves as separate, but that is an illusion. We are like different colors in a rainbow...it looks like different parts, but really it's the same light, and it is impossible to separate one color from another...because there is no division. It is all one. Where one ends, the other begins...seamlessly transitioning from one to the other.
And since we are all connected, the energy of one affects the energy of all. So right now? Right now the people of planet Earth are hurting. They are dis-eased and they are at a low point.
How can we fix this? We are desperate to fix this. We cannot continue to live being afraid to leave our homes. Afraid to go for a walk, or attend a concert, or afraid that our children will be molested or kidnapped simply because we took them to the grocery store. My heart cries out...WE CANNOT CONTINUE THIS WAY. A world like this cannot stand. Something is going to give. Something has to give.
As I toss these heartbroken thoughts over in my mind, it comes to me that things will change. There is a solution, and it has already begun showing up. For the past decade or two in particular, there has been a bit of a spiritual awakening happening in our world. There has been a call to love, if you will. If you spoke about chakras and being spiritual 20 or 30 years ago, people wouldn't know what you were talking about and they would label you as some crazy new age cooky person.
But times have been changing. People are waking up. They are beginning to see for themselves the effects meditation has on a person, and they've given themselves permission to question some things they may have been taught. This has left some people, particularly ultra-right-wing people, desperately clinging to the way things have always been done, just like a drowning person desperately grasps for a raft.
On the other side of the coin are the ones who are awakening. They are beginning to see a new way... a way that includes God without all of the other garbage like legalism, judgement, and hypocrisy. This, in turn, has caused a rush of love throughout our world. The core of spiritual awakening is love, and the only thing that can extinguish fear and evil... is that same love.
So maybe it is no coincidence that as the love meter begins to climb here on Earth that the hate and violence meter is rising steadily as well. The old cliche comes to mind..."It ain't over till the fat lady sings." Well, by looking at the news in the past several years, I would say the fat lady is singing. The world and life as we knew it are gone.
We really are reaching a fever-pitch in regards to the atrocities that can be carried out in this world, wouldn't you agree? You know how you need to go through labor before you're ready to give birth? I mean a lot of women love being pregnant and are kind of sad to think of that special time coming to an end...until they go through labor, and then they're screaming, "GET IT OUT!" Just like how you love those adorable tiny kids you gave birth to. You love every squishy roll and spend hours/days/years memorizing every inch of their perfect baby skin...until they become teenagers and then you're saying, "I'm SO ready to be done raising kids!"
I think this is the same type of thing. I think our world is in labor right now. I think the inhabitants of Earth aren't going to be really, really ready to lay it all down until we have our bellies good and full of the trauma and destruction. Only then will we really begin to see that we are all one and that we can no longer tolerate division, because what the world needs now is love, sweet love. Do you see what I'm saying? Right now we've moved from early/mid-labor into Transition. And pretty soon we will be pushing and ready to scream, "GET IT OUT!"
We have to stop seeing ourselves as different, as better than or less than. It is imperative that we begin to see ourselves like the colors of the rainbow. We may appear different, but we know that's not real. We are one and I love you. I am you and you are me. And I see God in you. That is the future. It has to be.
XO, Veronica