Yeah, I was right....

Boy was I right! Last night was TOUGH. I am so ready for bed it isn't funny. Although it's not going to be as rough as next week is. The only days I have off next week are Wednesday and Thursday. That sucks a big fat one, seriously. I fully own that I am such a wimp when it comes to working several 12's in a row. I think nursing is totally different when it comes to that kind of thing though. It's not like a normal job where you may come into contact with different people and/or situations for 12 hours straight. To be in ONE place, dealing with just a few of the same people for 12 hours straight and get to know them gets tedious and OLD. FAST.

Anyways, I have a three-day weekend now. Totally wiped out. Going to bed. Love y'all!

have you guys seen this new Burger King commercial with the girls in short-shorts with books or something shoved in their butts to give them square pants? It's a commercial for KIDS MEALS with sponge bob for crying out loud!! And yet it's girls dancing in short shorts to a rendition of Baby Got Back with closeups of their butts the whole time! Okay, I must just be getting old or something, but I'm not digging that commercial at all. But I digress....


Allison said…
That's a tough schedule, I'm sure. Praying that things start to feel more "routine" so that you can get into a normal groove...