
Showing posts from April, 2009

Go Go Gokey!!!

Who loves ya kid?


Wow! I want to be a nurse!

I'd rather have someone who makes my heart go pitter-pat drunk dial me

Stuck in my head

I hear gasps in 3, 2, 1......

Emma quote of the day

Life flashing before my eyes

Prayer please

My daughters tears

Still one of my faves

Still one of my faves

Still one of my faves


Running to the tomb

Have you seen them?

Things I should blog about but can't figure out how to make them a cohesive idea...

Uggghhhh!!!! What's next???


This will require multiple exclamation points!!!!!

Friday Five (yeah, ok. so it's a little late)

Blessings in unexpected places

Shepherd, Savior, Pasture-maker, hold on to my hand," and You say "I am."

He sucks

Yeah, I was right....

One more night to go

Come away with me in the night.....

Say what you need to say

Saying something to make someone else feel good is always a nice thing to do

I love you more than pork chops!

Nothing new

Not much to say lately