The Two Coreys
Tonight I watched the season premier of The Two Coreys. Let me start by saying that in the 80's when they were in their hey-day, I couldn't give a rip about these two guys. These were never boys that I even gave a second look. But now, I'm fascinated with the idea of looking behind closed doors (especially to people my own age) and seeing how they operate, how they are doing and how they came through it all. It's because of this that last year when season 1 of this show came out I jumped at watching it.
Season 1 I actually hated. lol I did. I felt it was mostly fake and staged with bits and pieces of truth peeking through. It was the bits and pieces that kept me coming back. And the fact that if I did HAVE to pick one of them back then, it would've been Corey Haim--and now he is a bipolar, addicted train wreck. That freaked me out. Corey Feldman is this totally sober, mature, grounded and centered, romantic MAN and Corey Haim is-----well, my husband. *sigh* The two boys that I never looked at before are a parrallel picture of my life. I LOVED Scott in high school. Oh man did I love him. I dug him so much that twenty years later I was still searching for him on the internet! Well, I found him. And I got him. And now I'm married to Corey Haim.
So, this is basically what kept me watching last year. I wanted to see how this all panned out and how this relationship between the totally hot and evolved (that would be ME in this relationship lol) Feldman dealt with and resolved issues with the totally messed up Haim. It didn't end pretty.
So several weeks ago I saw a commercial for season 2 and I have been counting down the days. I even set an alarm in my phone to remind me! So after a long, hard days work--and many frustrations along the way. Like my Haim of a husband (I think that will be his new nickname) having UNPACKED a whole box of fragile things that I had wrapped and gingerly placed perfectly in a box to protect them while moving and dumping it all on top of a dresser so that he could throw some things for the yard sale in it to carry outside because he was too lazy to tape up a new box of his own. And then LEFT my things laying there. I was PISSED. But not as pissed as I was when I confronted him about it and he ROLLED HIS EYES AT ME and walked away from me. I was sooooo irritated. THEN when I was cleaning out the front closet, Darren was the one who actually found an old lotion jar that Scott had washed out and was using to hide money. This isn't about him having a few dollars of his own. This is about the fact that he went out of his way and premeditated it so much that he WASHED out a container to HIDE money and found a spot for it. With all the issues about him being deceitful with money in the past, this hit a nerve in me big-time.
Anyways, after all that I came back here and sat down to watch The Two Coreys. This season looks like it's going to be SO good. It is so totally different than last year and is so raw and real. Their relationship had hit a point where Haim had done some really destructive things and Feldman had enough. They haven't spoken in six months and aren't sure they even want to--so they decided to try a last-ditch attempt at therapy. And because they have been friends for so long and things are so messed up, they are going to couples therapy, which I found a little funny and ironic since I kept thinking that they were a picture of me and Scott. lol It was a mess. What's most disturbing to me though is that I can look at this "couple" and see so clearly that Feldman (with his sexy butt) needs to totally ditch Haim and never look back. He is like an anchor around his neck. But I can't do that in my life. I'm afraid of judgment from the "religious" community and so many other obstacles. And I keep holding out hope over hope over hope. I'm gonna keep watching to see how the season goes. Theirs and mine.
Am I the only one catching the HUGE, MASSIVE hint that Haim was molested by Michael Jackson???? All of the "you knew that this GUY you had become best friends with was molesting your 14 year old friend and you continued to hang out and be 'best friends' with him?" That's not cool...