Pick your poison
Every person has their own preferences, likes, turn-ons if you will. Some women want to look at George Clooney or Ricky Martin, most men like to look at tramps on porn sites and hide it from their wives (I'm just a little bitter ;) ). What floats my boat? Well, the short-list is *good brain (banter, intelligent conversation), *eye contact and flirting, *physical touch (massage me! anywhere! Not like the mall or something, I mean like an arm, leg or foot). Last but not least, all I need to do is watch Jon & Kate Plus 8. LOL I know that sounds really odd, but this man (Jon, duh) is such a turn on to me! Not necessarily because he's so hot, but because he's so freakin' monogomous and dedicated to his family--even through the rough parts of the day. He works and still comes home and loves his wife and kids. Even when the stress is high and they are arguing, he is still there in the trenches with her--and that lights my fire my friend! :) Kate, you are awesome too, but I want you to know (as if you don't already) that you are a blessed, blessed woman. :)
Side note, this has given me a blog idea!!! I'll have to work on that! hehe
LOVE the show.. true inspiration