Running to or running from? Just running.

I saw this written somewhere tonight: "If you run, make sure you’re running towards something. Never away."

I'm the first to admit that I'm definitely running. And I am running to my friends and a new start. But I will loudly admit that the catalyst for all of this is that I am most definitely running AWAY from something. Is that horrible? Does that mean I shouldn't go? Can a sister get some clarification? Cause now I'm all confused and feeling guilty like I shouldn't go and shit. lol HELP!


Allison said…
I don't think you are running at all. I think you are calmly and consciously making a choice to make a change for the better for you and your family. There is a difference. When someone runs, they usually do it without thinking, out of instinct. You are thinking this through and making an informed decision. As Luke 14:28 says: "Suppose one of you wants to build a tower. Will he not first sit down and estimate the cost to see if he has enough money to complete it?" You are thinking and considering and making sure that you are doing what is right. That is not running. That is walking with informed confidence....and that is exactly what you are doing. Be encouraged.
Anonymous said…
Run in such a way as to win the race... When you're running forward you are always running away from something... whether that's the purpose or the cause. To run for the future means leaving (aka running away) from the past. I see nothing wrong about running towards the future. Life is worth living! Run Forward!!! Run V Run!!!
Anonymous said…
Sometimes it's good to run away when that something is destructive. You would run from a burning building right? And run toward safety? Well, you are doing that now. You are running away from destruction toward hope, success, joy, peace, and most of all calm! You are running toward a goal to give yourself the life you and your girls deserve. So, I say run, and run fast. You deserve it!
DJ's Mama said…
I agree with the others.. I say RUN RUN FAR FAR AWAY.. God wants you and your family to be safe. It is not running away if you are protecting yourself and family. You are protecting and trying to shelter them and that is not running away at all. You are facing the issue up front and protecting yourself. You and the family deserve it.
Anonymous said…
Ok here comes my opinion about what you read and what I read after.... I think what you read meant don't run to nothing when you're running away from something, make sure something is there to run to or you will find yourself having to run back.
Better clarification it's like the salt lady story, God told them where to run to that is where he would take care of them. Now if they would have just run with nothing to receive them they'd need to run back to that old home (where they were running from) Call it what you want but you need to go and get a fresh start, your running to friends who are there to help and comfort you so you won't have to run back home. Now lets go jogging run to the girls and lets get to making a home in your new spot! Love ya V
Anonymous said…
Ok here comes my opinion about what you read and what I read after.... I think what you read meant don't run to nothing when you're running away from something, make sure something is there to run to or you will find yourself having to run back.
Better clarification it's like the salt lady story, God told them where to run to that is where he would take care of them. Now if they would have just run with nothing to receive them they'd need to run back to that old home (where they were running from) Call it what you want but you need to go and get a fresh start, your running to friends who are there to help and comfort you so you won't have to run back home. Now lets go jogging run to the girls and lets get to making a home in your new spot! Love ya V