The Hangover

I was bored and lonely today so I decided to go see The Hangover. I've been waiting for it to come out for what seems like an eternity. When I saw the first preview of it, I knew it looked like my kind of movie and I was right. It was freaking hillarious! Now I have to put a warning label on here for anyone wanting to rush right out and see it because of my recommendation... it is F-I-L-T-H-Y. So if you don't like that sort of thing, steer clear. I, on the other hand, LOVE that kind of stuff when it's done well...and this is. I laughed myself into at least one asthma attack and would love to go back to see it again. If any of you see it, let me know what you think! And if you're too chicken-butt to admit publicly that you've seen it, email me privately and tell me what you thought. This was definitely the funniest thing I've seen in quite a while. The sad thing is that the big guy with the beard totally reminds me of Scott (in his crazy times). Maybe it made me feel better to know that the rest of the world is laughing with me at the insanity that is a person like him. Go see it if you can handle it!
