Manifesting has been a very hot topic for the past decade or so. Ever since The Secret came out and Oprah taught us how to create our inspiration boards, it has been on our minds. So what is it?
In a nutshell, manifesting is when you want something to happen and and then it does. That is SUCH a basic description, but really that's what it boils down to. Sounds too good to be true? Well, what if I told you that it isn't? Because it's not. It is actually the way the Universe works. Always has, always will.
Lets dive a little deeper into this. In the past, I have taught you about energy. I did a whole series on it which you can find HERE if you like. We talked about how everything everywhere is energy and everything vibrates at its own frequency. Higher vibrational frequencies are associated with things such as happiness, joy, love, peace, contentment, success, etc. Lower vibrations are associated with denser, heavier things such as depression, grief, anger, violence, etc.
This relates to manifesting because Universal Law states that you will ALWAYS attract what is a vibrational match for you. Always, no exceptions. So, whether it is a job, relationship, home, whatever...if it doesn't match your frequency, you can't have it. You may be able to manipulate circumstances to obtain it for a period of time, but it is inevitable that you will lose it because you are not a match. Make sense?
So, lets take relationships for example. If you are someone who has a lot of baggage and issues that you have not dealt with. And because of this you may be angry, cynical, depressed, have anxiety. Perhaps you have trouble holding down a job or may be into drugs or drinking. If you go looking for a partner, this is exactly what kind of partner you will attract. You will attract a relationship that is toxic and dysfunctional where both partners are dealing with old issues and probably argue, fight, cheat, have trouble with emotional availability, etc. If you want a healthier relationship, you have to raise yourself to a healthier vibration in order to attract that healthier mate. Can you see how if one partner is a higher frequency and the other is lower how this would also be full of turmoil and the relationship would be doomed from the beginning unless one of them changes?
You have to become what you want to attract. So, how do you do that? Lets talk manifesting!
1. SET YOUR INTENTION: What is it that you are wanting? Is it a better job? A beautiful relationship? A new home? Better health? Be specific, but not so specific that you limit your spiritual support team. Trust me, God can dream bigger dreams for you than you can dream for yourself and God knows you better than you know yourself.
So, if you're saying, "I want a man...who is 6'2 or taller, dark hair, dark eyes, who works on Wall Street, has this kind of apartment, drives this kind of car, likes this kind of music, etc, etc..." you are seriously limiting your chances. You may think that is what you want, but God knows that what would really fulfill your soul is Bob who lives a block over who is only 5'10 with medium brown hair but that is patient, kind, funny, etc. and is really the man of your dreams. If you set your intention with enough room for your guides to do their thing, you will never be disappointed.
2. VISUALIZE: Here is where the real work begins. Because remember, you only attract what is a match for you. So what you are going to do is set the stage. Get calm and close your eyes. Visualize yourself already having whatever it is that you're asking for. How does it feel? Does it make you feel happy, content, joyful, blissful, safe, secure? Whatever those feelings are, feel them. Take a moment and FEEL happy or blissful. Let the smile spread across your face and into your eyes. Let your heart burst with love.
One thing I have learned is this:
Thinking the thought about what you want to have and visualizing it charges the wish. But the feelings you feel about it are what magnetize it and and will attract it to you. Be very mindful of what feelings you are feeling throughout the day and about the things you want in your life.
3. MAINTAIN THE FEELING IN THE HERE AND NOW: This is key. This is where you create the vibrational match. You have to live a life where the daily frequency/feelings are the same as the feelings you felt while visualizing. You need to live an existence where you are happy, peaceful, or content, or blissful. Those feelings need to be your norm. Still with me?
4. GO LIVE YOUR LIFE AND BE HAPPY: Seriously. You need to live a life that you are happy with and content with. Because guess what? If you are living a life where you're constantly feeling unsettled, unhappy with and thinking, "I'll be happy when..." or "I can't wait to have a different life...", then you have actually just undone the good intention you previously set. Now you have created an intention of unhappiness, discontent, etc. and now the universe will be fulfilling THAT intention.
You have to BE what you want to attract, remember? So, once again, if you WANT that happy life, you have to currently LIVING that happy life. Get it? This is so important and this is where most people fall off track and then wonder why they just keep getting more of the same.
5. FORGET ABOUT IT: The work is all done! Don't dwell on it. You don't have to keep setting the intention over and over...once is plenty. The universe listens to every intention you set and works to fulfill it. So move on with your life and trust that it's in the works. When and if it's a match, it will happen. The other part of this is that if you dwell on it, you stand a good chance of messing it up because you might begin to think negatively or like you're lacking something.
Exceptions to all of this would be if the thing you want truly is contradictory to what your life path is supposed to be. If it is something that will not hinder your true purpose or that would benefit your purpose, it will happen. If it is totally out of sync with what you're supposed to accomplish, no amount of manifesting will make it happen.
So have fun! See what you can manifest! This works for little things all the way to the big stuff. Give it a chance and see what happens.
XO, Veronica