What I have learned...
This is a repost from my last blog of some of the spiritual stuff that we have learned in the past year. I am putting here in a new blog to make it easier to find. I hope it helps someone.
My daughters have the ability to hear, feel, and see. I have the ability to feel. I always have had the gift of feeling energy. I can feel the energy of the people I am near (anxiety, sadness, grief, joy). Also, since I have started meditating, my energy has raised enough that I can now feel answers. Meaning, if I ask a yes or no question, I can feel in my body the answer to those questions.
I needed to find ways to help my daughters understand their gifts,
refine their gifts, and to keep positive so that they are more out of
reach for negative energies and only deal with positive , Godly
energies. Having those gifts as a child is a scary thing! You see good
stuff, but also some really scary stuff and my kids needed to learn
what they can do to limit the exposure to the scary stuff.
They needed to know that there is nothing wrong with them and that they
aren't evil. They need to grow into well-adjusted adults who live
productive lives full of service for others with the gifts they have
been given. I don't think this would have been possible living back
home and going to the churches we attended here.
What have we all learned from their journey? Anyone who spend time
with me knows that I can and will talk for hours about this stuff if you
give me the chance, so I will keep it brief and in a nutshell. If you
want more information, just reach out to me and I will tell you more.
First of all, we learned that Spirit Guides are real. God gives
everyone a purpose and a job both on earth and in Heaven. Even Adam had
a job! He was a gardener. One of the jobs that human spirits in
Heaven can have is that of a spirit guide. They are not to be worshiped
as they are not God, they are only humans like you and me. Every
person on this earth is assigned at least one guide that stays with them
throughout his or her lifetime. Many other guides can come and go
depending on the need.
For example, I learned that my main purpose in this lifetime is
"love". I am to learn about love, how to truly love, and be love. I
have a main guide that has always been with me, then I have several
other guides that work with my on the subject of love (how to love, how
to choose good people to love, etc). I have a guide that helps prompt
me to pray. I also have guides for medical reasons and for creativity.
Their main goal is to put love and joy into your life (remind you just
how loved you really are) and to help guide you through life in order to
reach the goals that were preset for you before coming here. However,
we each have free will, and so we can either work on those goals or
choose not to. It's totally up to us. But, if we set our mind or
intention to something, our guides will help make it happen.
Here is a quick snapshot of some of the first questions I asked my
guide when speaking with him. I will type the questions and put the
answers in parenthesis.
*Is Jesus real and did he die to save our sins? Is what I have been taught and do believe about Jesus true? (Absolutely.)
quick advice would you give to me and every other human that will help
us? (Pray more, meditate more, drink more water, sleep more, and be
there anything that I was taught in church that is not correct? (few
things such as being critical of people who aren't living up to
"Christian Standards". But mostly that reincarnation is not real. It
IS real but was removed from the Bible by men who thought it shouldn't
be there.)
reincarnation is real, how does that reconcile with the need for Jesus'
salvation? (The salvation is real and true, but you have more than one
life to choose. If during any of your lives you have come to a saving
knowledge of Christ, then it applies to every life thereafter. You are
here life after life to reap what you have sewn and to have an
opportunity to do better...not to earn your way to Heaven, but to
balance out the debt to other souls that you have created. That debt is
not held over your head by God...you are forgiven all and are loved
unconditionally. But, the energy that is put into the world affects
every other being in the world and the future to come. By rectifying
the negativity you have put into the world, it raises the energetic
vibrations of the earth/atmosphere and will create a better world for
other people).... that was hard to express in such short space. I hope
that made sense. It is a huge topic to put "in a nutshell".
we have to worry about the environment being destroyed? (No,
everything will be here exactly as long as God needs it to be here and
He will provide what is needed)
is the most important things we need to know? (Love. Be kind and love
one another. Find some joy! Live with abandon, there is no reason to
be so afraid. Pray more.)
xoxo v.