I think I can, I think I can...
Ugh! Drinking water is the HARDEST thing for me!
I know I need to. We all know we need to. I'm a nurse, for Heaven's sake. Yet...meh. I'm sincerely lucky if I drink even one cup per day. Water is so important for every function in our bodies and it will undoubtedly make us feel better on every level.
So, this week, I decided I was going to drink as much per day as I could. I labeled this jug of drinking water (excuse the handwriting...it was early in the morning) and planned to make sure I had finished by the end of the workday. Repeat every workday. Sounds like a good plan, except that it literally took me the entire work week to drink ONE jug! ha! Oops.
Luckily, we get a fresh chance at everything each and every morning.
Do you have any tricks for getting more water into your diet?
xoxo, veronica
xoxo v.