Hope is still a choice....
This is still a sign for me.
I am here (not just on this Earth, but here here) for a reason.
I need to not just have an outlook, but an uplook.
And hope is still a choice to choose every day.
And as I sit here on the eve of the day I will need hope the most,
as usual, even when it's difficult,
I will choose to hope
because it's the only way I know
to get through every day.
As fear tries it's best to grip my soul,
I pray,
I try to distract myself,
I deep breathe,
I fight back tears,
but most of all...
I hope.
Because at the end of the day,
I can make all the preparations I want,
take all the precautions I want,
but hope in something greater than myself is all that I have.
~Psalm 91~
lurve you, xoxo v.