Lady crazy aka Desperately seeking testosterone

It's been "shark week" here for the past week or so, which means there has been a whole lotta lady-crazy happenin' in this house.  I can't imagine when Emma starts her period too, that's gonna be hell.  Although, she is already quite hormonal and sometimes I just wish she'd bleed already so she can get back to normal.  The only other thought I have is that THANK GOD Courtney is no longer here to add to the mix!  (Hallelujerrrrrr!!!)

I still haven't started my new chemo.  I was supposed to start sometime earlier in the week, but honestly have been scared to death to.  I'm not up to being sick like that again.  I'm still feeling mild side effects from the last round, kind of like little aftershocks.  Today in church, I almost had to sit down a few times during the worship because I would start feeling so woozy and break out in a cold sweat, like my blood pressure was bottoming out or something.  Maybe on Monday.

Before I start the next batch, I decided that I would learn from last time and bring in some reinforcements.  I asked Paul to come stay with me for a little while in order to help me.  I was existing, not functioning.  I couldn't cook for my kids, help with homework, snuggle, laugh, or any of the things it takes to be a mom.  I got through the work day (sometimes) and then lay there half dead, unless I was up puking.  Paul's a really good dad.  That's one thing I can't argue with.  He's very attentive and hands-on, cooks breakfast every morning, on-point with the homework, etc.  My kids need that right now.  And I need a little taking care of too.  So, we'll see how it all goes.

He and the kids moved a few things in tonight and are putting the rest of their things in storage.  They should be moved in by tomorrow night.  After that, I think I'll be ready to start taking the next pills because then I'll have someone to have my back.  That is a huge relief.

Plus it might be nice to have an influx of testosterone into this house.  We've been living on estrogen island for years now and need to be balanced out.  Hopefully all of the Vitamin-T will help us out.

 What I'm afraid it will be like.

lurve you, xoxo v.


Allison said…
That blanket graphic made me laugh out loud!!! It's so true!!! hahahahahahaha!!
I'm so glad you have someone coming to help! What a blessing that will be!

That blanket graphic is true...and funny too!