Girl crush: The Notorious CHO
I know all kinds of johnny-come-latelies have jumped on the cho mobile lately, but I have been a tried hard, true blue, loyal fan of margaret cho since the beginning. I mean back when she was like an embryo inside of "mommmeeeeee"--I loved her.
I have always thought this amazing woman was beautiful and hillarious. She's as filthy and foul as I am and she made me realize that it's ok to not be perfect compared to what society wants from you. It's ok to be loud and proud and JUST LIVE. Belly dance if you want to, wear pearls if you want to, tell filthy jokes and LAUGH if you want to. Just. do. YOU.
That's why I love her so much and am so proud to say that Margaret Cho is my favorite comedienne (and I love her mommmmeeee too. ) She is the first official girl-crush that I will feature on her and hope that others in the world can appreciate her like I do.
What is a girl-crush might you ask? It's a sort of a crush you might have on another woman even though you are as straight as a blade. However, you are intrigued by everything about her. You love the way she acts, talks, dresses and wears her hair. You are smitten with the way her brain works. She's deathly funny and She's just one of the coolest people in the world to you and you want to be so ever slightly like her.
To you Miss Margaret Cho! Because YOU Diva, deserve it!
Hooray to the Cho girl-crush girls. We rock. ;)
Dakota Rebel