Fall outward...

Lately my guide has been telling me over and over again: "Open your mind."  I know it sounds crazy to say, but this caused a little strife because I could not figure out what he was talking about!  I kept saying, "WHAT DO YOU MEAN???  I'm SO open-minded!  All I do is figure out how to expand my mind even more!" His response?  "Open your mind."

Sigh, *eye rolling emoji*

In a later conversation, he said "You have worked really hard to reprogram your mind, now it is time to open it and use it."  At first I still wasn't clear on what this meant.  I knew what the first part meant and he is right.  But what did the last part mean?

After meditating on it and thinking about it, I began to think that he meant it was time to start using what I've learned to help other people.  Teach them, apply it to my relationships with them, etc.  In the past few weeks, I have helped a few of my friends connect to their guides by using my pendulum.  I think it really helped them too.  Yesterday after one of those sessions, my guide said, "Look at how well you've been opening you mind."

So, I think that's what he meant. 

Today, I received the above Rumi quote in my email and it struck me that this is exactly what Spomie was talking about. 

Stop learning, start knowing.
The rose opens, opens
And when it falls
Falls outward.
 There will always be learning to do, but for now, you have learned enough.  Stop learning and just know that you know.  Let your rose bloom for others to enjoy.  As the rose blooms, it falls outward...toward others.  It's an act of service to humanity.

So for now, I will take the opportunities that arise to fall outward.  I will share what I've been taught.  I hope my actions bless those around me.  

XO, Veronica
