Why Trump is a necessary evil...
Listen, you all KNOW how I feel about #45. To sum it up politely...I am NOT fan. I didn't vote for him and I don't like to hang around with those who did. As I've said before, it's not that I want to control who people vote for. I mean, this is America after all...vote for who you want. That's the beauty of it. My stance is that anyone who voted for him...and especially those who still stand by their votes... obviously operate from a world-view that is completely opposite from mine.
I think if a person cannot see the issues with this man's character and way of being in this world (homophobic, misogynistic, racist, etc ad nauseam) then there is a heart issue. And honestly, heart issues are fine too...we are all on our own paths and we all have filters we see through. There must be duality in this world. Polarity. For you cannot have light without dark, and you cannot fully learn a lesson until you've experienced both ends of the issue. You can't appreciate being rich unless you've been poor. You can't truly appreciate compassion until you've been trodden on. See what I mean?
And this is why Trump is necessary at this very time in Earth and humanity's timeline. He's part of the catalyst that is helping to propel us toward expansion and evolution. He is helping to bring to the surface all of the ugliness that has remained hidden for so long. He is helping to stir the fear and the ugliness that will spur individuals toward growth and change.
The great Dolores Cannon was being channeled in one of the videos on Channeling Erik, and she said, "Fear is a necessary energy. Fear breaks things down so that love can rebuild." I believe that Trump moving into office has brought a very real fear to complacent individuals that never took the time to vote or that were coasting through life on auto-pilot. Sure, they didn't like the ugliness in the world, but it didn't make them uncomfortable enough to spur them to action. Enter Trump. Now danger, unsurety and ugliness is on every one of our doorsteps. And we don't like it, do we? I know I don't.
If you pay attention, you can see lights coming on in people everywhere you look. There is a rising that is taking place among the people of Earth and particularly in Americans. They do want to make America great again, but not in the way Trump is proposing. What is necessary for the future is a world of expanded minds and hearts. A world where tolerance is a standard way of being. A world of compassion and love. Where a return to our souls and a personal relationship with the Divine is a as commonplace as breathing. This can't all happen in the next four years, but Trump is definitely the catalyst that is going to help jump-start the ascension to a higher consciousness.
I heard this description the other day while watching a video of someone channeling, but I can't remember where. So, know that these words aren't mine, but I'm not sure who to attribute them to.
"Humanity has been like a rubber band being pulled to its extremes. They have stretched as far as they could away from themselves and their true nature and away from the divine, and have experienced fear and isolation because of it. Now the band is snapping back and is contracting and they are coming closer than ever to themselves and the divine and they are beginning to remember..."
So, what can we do? How do we help this process? The answer is simple...let your lights shine. Draw closer to all that is divine, and good, and lovely. Love one another without filter. Understand that you are all divine beings created from the same God-spark as every one and everything else and then act accordingly. Live without fear! Let love replace fear in every one of your actions. Pay attention to the world around you...not the ugliness, but the beauty. Notice where the good is and focus on that. Because what we focus on, we magnify and attract.
And as your light comes on, you will inspire someone else's light to come on. And before you know it, brilliant little lights will begin coming on all over the world and love will expand. The vibrations of the entire Earth and of humanity increase and draw closer to all that is divine. It is inevitable and there is no stopping this rolling snowball now. The question is, how quickly and smoothly can we make this transition? Denying its reality and inevitability will only make the process longer and who wants that?
Won't it be wonderful to live in a kinder, gentler world? Change your perspective and you can be there immediately. I changed mine and now my world is a kind and beautiful place every day of my life. It isn't denial...it's perspective.
"Be a collector of compassion..." -Kryon