Happy Anniversary Baby, got you on my miiiiiiiind......

I awoke to the sound of someone gently singing into my ear this morning, "Happy anniversary baby, got you on my miii-iiind.....".  A smile broke out across my face. Happy second anniversary to the man that I love waking up to every morning and dreaming next to every night.  No one infuriates me, inspires me, encourages me or loves me the way you do.  I can't believe it's only been two years and yet I can't believe it's already been two years.  It just keeps getting better and better and I'm glad that I have a man who knows that if he keeps his eyes on the Lord, there's no way this can go wrong.  In even the past few weeks I feel closer to you than ever before.  I appreciate you and I love you and I look forward to many more years with you and only you.   Happy anniversary Anderson.

lurve you, xoxo v.

"As Long As You Love Me"
Justin Bieber


Allison said…
Awww!! Happy Anniversary :)